Sunday 23 June 2019

Jungle Adventures and Building Bars

Hi everyone

I hope you've all had a good week.

The weeks are flying by so fast this year! it hardly seems like five minutes since my last post, yet here we are, another Sunday of musings as I take sips of my coffee.

I've had a busy time in RL and SL this week. It's Second Life's 16th Birthday at the moment and there are loads of events going on, so it's been nice to get out and about again after all the work I've been doing on my SL home.

Of course, my Linden balance has suffered but I'm not too worried, I've found some lovely pieces for my home and garden and I've explored sims I haven't been to before, so it's been a lot of fun.

I promised in my last blog to tell you about my roleplaying antics in the Jungle and as I've just applied to train as a healer there I thought it might be a good time to explain the place to you, as it looks like I'll be sticking around ;-)

There's a really good article about the sims that will explain it all far better than I could for you, I've added the link below, so take a look if you want to know more about it before you go, but the best way to experience it is just to go ;-)
When you arrive at the landing point there are information boards and a knowledge cave, which you have to go through and you must accept the experience (which places a dot above your head so the locals know who you are) but apart from that, in my experience, it's pretty easy to get started!
There are nine sims to explore, and loads of people who live and play there so there's always someone to talk to (roleplay with), and there are plenty of people on hand to help explain things to you if you get stuck.
I do have to warn though, this is an adult sim, and there are adult themed spaces, that you're encouraged to use, but if, like me, you prefer the social and exploration side you can spend hours in there gathering food, trading the food for coins (they have their own currency - which costs nothing to participate in) completing quests and generally enjoying the environment, then you can't go wrong here.
I'd recommend it to anyone who likes to have a quiet time (like me) as well as those who like a good fight/battle as there are bandits quite willing to take your coins and anything else you have if you're not careful. ;-) or armed enough!

Links are below for the information and the slurl to the landing point and if you take the plunge and venture forth into the jungle, and you happen to bump into me, please say hi!

The jungle aside I've had a go at some more mesh pieces this week, and although I'm still struggling a little I'm getting there. I've made a few pieces with prims in world, just to help me with sizes, etc and transferred the objects in the 3ds max to alter. I really wish I could take Casey in so I had something to gauge the proportions against but never mind, I'm slowly getting my head around it! ;-) even if it is taking a while!
I had a little swimming pool at the back of the house but as it didn't have animations in it, it seemed a little bit like 'wasted space', so I've covered it over and decided to turn this part of my home into a little bar area.
I did try to find bar furniture for it but nothing was suitable so this is one of the 'things' I mentioned in my last blog that I'd be making.
Thought it might be fun to do a before and after shot! hopefully, by next Sunday, I can show you the finished item ;-)

Actually, whilst I was looking for bar furniture I found a really good animated drinks place and bought a few crates along with a celebration pack, you can find the slurl below, and I'll be going back to buy more once I've finished the build, but for now, it's nice to just merrily plod along doing bits and pieces here and there ;-)
Or not ;-) having a drink and dancing the night away is still doing something isn't it? ;-)
I guess that's it for this week. I hope hope hope I have something to show you next week! fingers, toes, and everything else crossed!!
Until then, I hope you all have a wonderful week and I'll see you soon!
Huge hugs

Link for Amazon Jungle Information:

Amazon SLURL:

No.59 Bar Equipment SLURL:

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