Friday 29 March 2019

The Good Ole Days

Transformation: noun
  1. 1.
    a marked change in form, nature, or appearance.

Hi there

Where do I begin? 

I've contemplated many different ways to start this blog, but in the end, it's all about a new beginning! A fresh start for Casey (my avatar) and Laminak (my second Life store) 

Something happened that drastically changed my life (in many ways) in October 2018, I'll share with you in due course what this was, but for now, let's reminisce a little ;-)

Pondering in front of the store 2009

I joined SL in 2007 with the sole intention of having a bit of fun and hopefully to while away a few hours. It didn't take very long for me to fall in love with the place, I met some great people, bought a castle, decorated it, and got a job helping to sell the castles on the sim I'd bought mine from. It was while I was selling the castles that I started building, at first it was just to pass away even more hours and I enjoyed the process of learning but then the owner of the castle sim asked me to make some really low prim bits of furniture to decorate the castles to help sell the builds. 

I still remember selling my first bed! I'd rezzed it in one of the huge castles and forgotten about it till the lindens dropped in my purse! 

I was hooked! and I opened my first store (which was called CQA back then) at the end of 2007 on the sim with all the castles.

It wasn't long after I'd opened the first store that I was commissioned to make a set of medieval houses for a sim owner who liked my builds and wanted a darker medieval village to go with his lighter village, a sort of good versus evil idea. 

I hadn't tried building bigger homes, and I still wasn't making my own textures at this point but I wanted to try, so I commissioned the textures (that ended up all over Second Life) and built the village. 

 In 2008 I wanted to spread my wings and I purchased a whole sim of my own, I kept the CQA name for a little while but as this was a new start, I felt I needed a new name too, and so, 'Laminak' was born. 

I learnt how to create my own textures from real life photo's and as I improved so did Second Life. Sculpties were brought in and I was able to create more realistic furniture, bigger and better homes and fun skyboxes.

(Thanks to Gizmo Static for the 4 photographs above, Link to his Flickr page below)

We hosted Balls, Fashion Shows and Weddings on the sim and sponsored medieval events around Second Life. In the end, though, this was my home and I totally loved it. I loved building, creating the pieces for my store and crafting the textures, but mostly I loved to hear that people liked my things and it always, always, spurred me on to continue getting better at what I was doing.

The first big change in my real life happened in the middle of 2008, I couldn't log in as much and ultimately had to let the sim and my store go. I came back briefly in 2010, and again in 2013, opened smaller versions of my store but I just couldn't commit to learning this wonderful new thing called Mesh and again RL took precedence over my desire to be creative (as it should). 

This little tour of my Second Life journey brings me to October last year and ultimately to me sitting here today writing the first of what I hope will be many blogs about the new creations I make for Laminak and the store I hope to open by the end of this year! I'm slowly learning mesh and the new way of texturing, and you know what .. I'm already hooked as much as I was back in 2007!

So, CHEERS! Here's to 2019! The start of a new chapter and the transformation of Casey and Laminak!

See you in world soon!

Much Love

Casey in 2007, 2013 and 2019

Gizmo Statics Flickr: 

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