Sunday 7 February 2021

Vikings Collection - Enchantment Exclusive


Final post of the day and this one is actually, for a change, ahead of time!

Enchantment - Vikings - Starts on the 13th of February and runs through to the 7th of March.

I wasn't too sure about the theme of this at first, I know a little about the Viking's in history but not enough really to have made something off the top of my head, so I did far more research on this than I have for any other themed event.

Apart from online research, I started, and got completely hooked on! The Vikings TV Series. 
It's from this that I've taken inspiration for the horn chandeliers.

Inspiration pic above from the TV show
and the finished mesh below

As usual, I couldn't stop myself, so there are wall sconces and a table candle also made from horn.
Chandelier - 6-7Li, Wall Sconces 2Li, and the Table Light 1Li each, at the sizes provided.

I've also created a Viking shield, there will be other designs coming, but for the event, I've concentrated on the one style. 

They come in a pack of 4, with bright colours and a different symbol or design on each.
1Li each at the size provide

And finally, because I need no excuse whatsoever to create drinks it would seem!
I've created a jug, and horn cups beer dispenser. 
There are 3 different Jug colours to choose from, 1Li each, and they provide Male or Female drinks with auto-attach and detach, after 4 mins. 

LM to the event will be in my in-world profile pics when it opens but you can see the set at the main store in the events area beforehand. 

Ok, that's it for today ;-)
Sending love, good vibes, and hugs to you all.


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