Saturday 29 February 2020

Exploring The Weird and Truly Wonderful

Greetings Everyone ;-)

I decided to take the night off tonight and explore Second Life a little.

Mainly because I'm driving myself nuts with the new furniture I'm trying to make, and secondly because there was a fashion show at the Expo that I thought might be fun to go see.

Sadly, I didn't manage to get to see the show as the sim was full but this didn't stop me having a look for other places - I was determined to take the night off! ;-)

My first stop was 'Burlap' by Cica Ghost. A completely crazy place that reminded me of the old, stop motion animation tv programs, I used to watch a kid ;-) I bought a rabbit doll, from a hidden vendor and had a dance with my friend on a gigantic gramophone ;-) but mostly I had fun just exploring the store and I was grateful for being reminded that SL isn't all about work - which it seems to have been recently.
My next stop was to 'Hand' by Bryn Oh
And I was completely obsessed with completing the story.
It's such a creepy, but completely captivating place that you find yourself wandering between the many rooms desperate to hear the next part of 'Flutters' story - it also helps that the narrator has a very dreamy sounding voice that's seriously pleasant to listen to!
It's an unnervingly weird, dystopian, futuristic, maybe even a little sci-fi in some aspects, world, and I totally loved it! Ever wonder to yourself what planet Earth might be like in centuries to come? ... this might just be what humans reduce it to ..
I thought it might be fun to go check out the new 'Linden Homes' while I was out and about and I'm actually tempted to ask for one.
I really like the idea of the new homes being in a more 'green' environment. I liked the boathouses and the trailer parks but they haven't tempted me to slice off a section of the mainland I own in order to free up the 1024 land allowance I'd need to have one. These new homes have actually made me think it might be worth it though!
The thing is - and what will no doubt stop me doing just that - as I started to get more productive with my building I stopped using my house on the ground and I removed it, along with all the contents I'd spent forever collecting last year, to free up prims for the store, so, would I ever use the Linden home?
I very much doubt I would, but that didn't stop me from falling in love with one of them!
I really liked the spacious feel of it, the other Linden houses seem a little too enclosed for me, and although that can be cozy I personally like space and bigger rooms.
If I'm ever tempted though this would (up to now, unless they bring out castles!) be my house of choice ;-)

My final stop was to a place that turned out to be another story experience, and although I thought, as I first landed there, that I wouldn't want to spend the extra time on another long story I went in anyway to 'just take a peek' and remained yet again for the whole thing.
If a story grabs me right away I'm hooked and this had me hooked, in a completely different way to the first, but nevertheless, it kept me heading up the stairs to the next room and the next room to find out what happened to the character.
The place was called 'ARTEFATOS' by Ash.
You're told as you enter to wind your way up the stairs and explore each of the 6 rooms in the 'Hotel'. You're also encouraged to use the rooms, either on your own or with a partner or even with a fellow explorer, so be warned it is, or could be quite an adult place .. winks .. if you want it to be ;-)
The story is narrated by the author in Portuguese but there is a projection on the wall (if you do as asked and add advanced lighting) and notecards you can read in English if Portuguese isn't your native language.

As I finished the story and headed to the last room I found myself smiling.
There wasn't a notecard, just the narrator and a caption on the wall:

"We know it will be snowing. We know I'm going to bite your chin and we know you're going to put your hands on my ass.

But this is a story yet to be written.
And of all the possible stories of love and lust, my favorite is always the one that has not yet been written".
It made me smile because I, as I assume we all do at times, forget that I'm living my own story (profound hey? hahaha).
Any mistakes I make or frustrations I have with my mesh builds, all those times when I wonder why I'm even bothering to be the best that I can be, are all just part of it, and one day (hopefully) I'll look back and be grateful that I was tenacious enough not give up ;-)

Second Life sure does help you feel better when you need it and I've had fun tonight, but it's back to the mesh tomorrow and the start of yet another month!

Bye for now, huge hugs to you all.

Landmarks and links for all the destinations in this blog can be found in the Editors' Picks on the Second Life destinations page (as of the 29th Feb 2020 - until they change them or the event/experience finishes that is! ;-))

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