Thursday 23 April 2020

Fairlands 2020

Greetings All ;-)

I hope you're well and still keeping safe. 

The Fantasy Faire ~ 2020, is OPEN! And I'm so thrilled to be a part of this amazing event and charity this year. 
In aid of 'Relay For Life', via the American Cancer Society, the cause is something ~ that I've previously explained in earlier blogs ~, is very close to my heart, and I'm delighted, even in a very small way, to be able to help out.

I took a little time, once I'd finished setting up my store on Elemaria, to walk through all 18 sims for this year's Faire and it's all, and I really mean ALL, completely AMAZING!

I do of course have my favorites as I'm sure you will too, and I don't want to completely spoil the surprise, so I'm just going to talk about a few of them. 

Laminak is on Elemaria, sponsored by Bee Dumpling the creator of, Silvan Moon, and is designed by SolasNa Gealai.
Elemaria is filled with Castles, Medieval Buildings, and secret little hideaway places where you can sit for a little break as you wander through the Fairlands. I love it, being completely obsessed with castles anyway this really was Laminak's dream sim to be on ;-)

Before the sim allocations were announced however my second choice, based on the descriptions of the sim themes was this one: Auxentio's Pass, designed by Faust Steamer, the owner of Contraption, and I think I'd have been equally happy residing here for the few weeks that the Faire is on. 
I loved everything about this sim. How cold it feels as you walk onto it, the buildings and decor. It's all wonderful, creepy, and mysterious ;-). 

The next sim I loved was the one at the top of this blog: Isle of Shadows by Aelva.
According to the information on the Fantasy Faire website, which I'll link below, 'this is the region hosting both Fantasy Faire Radio, and their flagship, the dragon-borne FaireChylde where the Fairelands’ famous dance parties will take place'. 

It's also where all the Gatcha's have been placed.
Who doesn't love Pirates, Caves, and Dragons?! ;-)

The next Sim that Instantly made me want to stop and take a photo was, Zodiac. Sponsored by Fallen Gods and Designed by Alia Baroque.

It might be the ancient theme, it might be the colours, it might be the buildings, it might just be all of it! Described as a 'Living Planetarium', it was a pleasure to walk around.

The Fantasy Faire is a fantastical place to go and explore, I can't recommend it enough, it's like being 'home' for me and I already know I'll miss it when it's gone! 

Hope you all have fun, hope you're all keeping safe.
Much love and many hugs, as always. 

Fantasy Faire Website:

Elemaria Sim:

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