Thursday 25 June 2020

1 Liner Manor - Brand New Role Play Sim


So, I've been hinting on and on about this in previous blogs and I can finally now let you all in on what has been a seriously big secret!

'1Liner Manor' on 'AFAR' sim, is now OPEN! and I'm thrilled to have been asked to help the sim creators - Cira Emor and Tahiti Rae - by creating a few props for the 4 main characters along with a few extra props for everyone who visits to use. 

Where do I start?! 

Maybe with showing you the actual Manor? 
If I said it was absolutely incredible! it would be a serious understatement! be prepared for a lot of adjectives here! hahaha
The grounds too are also spectacular and perfect for taking photos, something the sim owners would love people to come and do. And it's practically lag-free. They've paid great attention to every single detail to make sure there's nothing that could possibly spoil your fun, which leads me on to the next point... ;-)

What's it about?
The idea is, that instead of long, drawn-out, and tiring roleplay you only use 1 line of text!

'Now isn't that refreshing?'
'Did you say this place is meant to be fun?'
'Yes, I DID!'

See what I did there? ;-) it's actually easier than it might sound at first! and for those who give the best '1 liners', there's a gallery specifically for 'Epic 1 Liners' - those who make everyone laugh the most. Because that's what the sim owners are hoping for, lots of laughs, tons of fun, and for everyone to have the best time possible there!

Are there rules?
Well, apart from the dress code - loosely, Elizabethen to Jacobean, circa 1500 to 1700 - the main one is that you only converse in 1 line. There's far more information at the landing point, but let's just say there are repercussions for speaking more than 1 line! ;-)

Can you live there?
Absolutely! There are suites specifically designed for the 4 main characters, but they also have rooms you can rent or sublet!

What else?
They have a dueling area between two oaks on the grounds.
Beautiful gardens to sit and relax in.
Music rooms, a bar, and a ballroom. There's so much there they've had to create a museum with information and a floor map of the house and grounds!

OK, onto the 4 Main Roles!

I'm not going to give too much away regarding the specific character traits, for that you'll need to speak to Cira or Tah, what I can do though is show you what I've made for each character and perhaps whet your appetite to learn more?! ;-)

Please note that they're looking for 2 people for each role, 8 roles in total, so you'll need to be quick if you'd like to be a major player at the sim. ;-)

The Gardener.

The Lord's Daughter.
The Handsome Cousin.
and Finally ....
The Butler.
Each Prop is specific to something of importance for that character ;-)
The other props I've created are for use by anyone and are on sale at the AFAR sim landing point. 

There are of course other props, including a Prayer Book, a Tobacco Pipe, Toots! a Rose, Cleaning Cloths, and a Cap to wear that have been created by Cira and Tah, and together we'll all add to these when time permits. For now, though, I hope this has perhaps piqued your interest enough, even just a little bit ;-) to pay Afar and 1Liner Manor a visit. 
For more information click on the links below, or better still! teleport in-world to experience the sim and the manor firsthand:

That's it for now, but I'll hopefully catch some of you at 1Liner Manor soon!
Huge hugs, and lots of love, as always.

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